Saturday, May 21, 2011

Owl BookMark and Card

Another Owl-Bookmark, for a new friend in Singapore! I hope she finds the bookmark useful, since she is frequently flipping through various baking books for ideas and inspirations! And we, the readers, benefit from the recipes she posts on her blog, as well as all the tips she shares.

The paper clip with the owl attached can be removed from the rectangular bookmark. It can be used as a bookmark on its own.

However, if your book is very new, and you don't like the paper clip bookmark to leave a mark on your page, then put the paper clip back onto the bookmark and use the bookmark as it is =)

Look, who's peeking?!
In addition to the bookmark, I also made a "Thank You" card for her. To thank her for her kind thoughts and the extension of friendship to someone far, far away. Really appreciate the friendship, especially when it is from a fellow Singaporean! Warms the heart =)

The inside of the card ... the top owl is supposed to be popped-up.
I should have taken the photograph at another angle.
Can you see the watermarked leaves on the background?

So here's taking a photograph of the card at a different angle ... can you see the watermarked leaves and the popped-up owl? However, the watermarked leaves seemed to have vanished after I wrote on the card =( Lesson learnt ... use the watermark ink on coloured paper instead of white paper.

I had so much fun making these owls! Here's another owl "badge" to seal the envelop =) I hope SH enjoyed the card as much as I had fun making it!

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