Sunday, May 22, 2011

Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher Appreciation Week was two weeks ago. Unlike Teachers' Day back home, which is a one-day affair, the kids in the woods have one whole week to show the teachers their appreciation. Many of the activities are parent initiated ... tea and luncheon for all teachers, parent volunteers of each class coordinating "Snacks and Treats" day, "Thank-You Card" day, "Class Party" day, "Flower" day etc. Each class will have different activities. It all depends on the parents of that class.

Darling son YW's teacher in Kindergarten was heavily pregnant with twins during Teacher Appreciation Week last year. The art teacher, who is also a parent of the class, initiated a class project to thank the teacher. The kids painted a rocking chair (chair donated by parent) during their art class! Don't you just love the way the parent, kids and teacher work together as a team? No wonder my little boy said to me on the very first day of school ..... "I love school!".

This year, Darling son YW is in a different class. He helped me with owls, for this ThankYou Card in a photo frame. This is a chipboard frame with a plastic cover. I don't have to worry about my son breaking the glass cover while carrying it from home to school.

I made a big envelope and placed the "Card" inside. Made an owl badge to seal the envelop =) The little one was very pleased with the wrapped up "card". He came home and said "Ms B puts the frame on her table!".
He was very happy indeed.

The parent-volunteer of the class suggested treating Ms B to some snacks to help her start off the week. So we wrapped some packets of dried fruit crisps. Some healthy snacks to help fuel her through the week! We contributed some cash and gave her a gift card so that she could get a small gift from the nearby mall, to pamper herself =)

As for Darling Son KW, he was given a piece of white card to write a message for his teacher, MrsW. The parent volunteer would stand outside their classroom in the morning to collect the cards, and compile the cards in an album, to be presented to the teacher at the end of the week. What a neat way to present the ThankYou cards! And so I helped my boy with the card.

Yes, owls again. All gifts to the teachers were owl related =)
Our "Thank-You Card" in a photo frame was already done up prior to the parent volunteer's suggestion of card compilation.

Here's a close-up shot of the owls.
I love these little cuties and I love my Owl Punch!

We didn't want the trainee teacher to feel left out, so we also got a little gift for her as well ... a healthy cereal snack bar to fuel her through the day! It was all nicely wrapped up with an owl tag attached, to bring on a smile =)

It was a busy week ... cutting and wrapping!
I had fun, the kids had fun, and most importantly, the teachers feel appreciated!

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