Darling son KW had been taking rollerblading lessons for P.E in school during the last few weeks of the term. When asked if he would like a pair to practice during the Spring Break, he eagerly said "YES!".
Since I do not wish to invest in an expensive pair of blades, I opted for the cheaper ones. I thought it would be easy for me to buy these blades, but NO! There was no sale, and yet, at the stores, there was no stock available. The boy was very disappointed when we went shopping that day. Luckily, hubby dear's sharp eyes caught sight of a sign that read "Sale, 30% off Rollerblades" at a sports store on our way home. Phew! It was a little more than what we would like to pay for, but the discount given definitely made a significant difference. It was a deal!
What do I like about these skates, even though it was more than what I would like to pay? Well, it would get many, many years of use, as there are 4 adjustable sizes! YES!
Size 1 - 4! Both darling sons can use for the next two to three years. Kids grow fast, and so do their feet! No point getting a pair of skates when they can only use it for one summer? And these skates are really cool!
The boy was really happy that day, and he went round and round the apartment compound!