Monday, December 21, 2009

Santa Claus, Ho Ho Ho!

Dear Santa,

Christmas is just four days away.
Will you be coming to my house?
But we do not have a chimney.
How are you getting in?
The door is locked, and so are all the windows.
The only way you can get in is .... from the toilet bowl??
Hope to have you visit us ... I don't mean seeing you in the toilet bowl =)

Love, KW


December, Christmas, and Santa Claus!

I was reading the book "Jigsaw Jones Mystery : The Case of the Santa Claus Mystery" to my boys the other night. That was when I asked them how Santa Claus could enter our house ... and we concluded that the only way into our house is through the toilet bowl! Gross? Well, what do you expect when you have two boys? We had a good laugh over our answer though!

At the same time, I tried to explain to the boys, that Christmas is not just about receiving presents. We are not Christians. My interpretation of modern day Christmas ... Family bonding, being thankful of what we have, and the spirit of giving. And that kind of answered their question of "Why are these people holding bells in the shopping malls, with a tin in front of them?" whenever we see volunteers from the Salvation Army at shopping malls.

Since we had a friend coming over for dinner tonight, I took the opportunity to bake a cake, and decorated the cake as Santa Claus! He has finally made an appearance in our house ... ok, not through the toilet bowl.

I baked a carrot cake, and borrowed the idea from Happy Homebaking.
The carrot cake was not too sweet. It was not too dry when I took it out from the fridge. I wanted to use strawberries for Santa's hat, but the strawberries at the supermarket didn't look too fresh. Instead, I opted for red sugar sprinkles. The white chocolate beard was really difficult to curl! You see big and long curls in Happy Homebaker's Santa's beard ... mine are really short! It was a tough job shaving the chocolate. Hugs and *kisses* to hubby dear for helping me prepare Santa's beard!

Despite the not-so-nice appearance of Santa (on second thought, it didn't quite look like him), we all enjoyed the cake! Darling son KW even asked for a second slice! He is the one who said "No carrot cake for me!" when I told him I'm baking a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting!


  1. My boys don't like carrot cake too, they only like the Chinese type of fried carrot cake ;)
    Like KW, they had wondered whether Santa would visit them in Beijing!
    As for the chocolate curls, to get long, curly ones, make sure your chocolate bar is not too cold/hard, if not you will not achieve the effect, it will break into small pieces. I use a vegetable peeler to shave the chocolate, what do you use?

  2. Oh my, oh my ... Thanks for letting me know that the chocolate bar must not be too cold/hard! Mine was cold and hard ... no wonder they don't curl well! I used my measuring spoon (1tbsp plastic). Tried with peeler but find it extremely difficult, and the plastic spoon was easier.
