Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fuss-Free Meal

My Sunday lunch with the kids ...

Hubby dear had to sit for his exam in the morning. Strange to have an exam on a Sunday morning, isn't it? Oh well ...

That left me and the kids eating at home.
It was kind of difficult to cook for just the kids and myself. Since I had a bag of russet potatoes sitting in a corner of my kitchen, I thought I would prepare a simple lunch ... Baked Russet Potatoes with Parmesan Cheese, Salad with Honey Sauce, and little smokies (sausages).

It had been a long time since I last baked these potatoes!
This time round, I omitted the dried herbs.
I didn't follow the recipe exactly either.

I peeled and cut the potatoes into wedges. Drizzled enough olive oil/vegetable oil, not too much, into the big mixing bowl to coat the potato wedges in it. Poured some grated parmesan cheese to coat the potato wedges. Transferred the wedges into a tray lined with parchment paper. Baked at 450F for about 35 minutes, or till the wedges are cooked and browned.

It's definitely healthier than eating fries at the fast-food joint!
Complete the meal with a bowl of salad, a few mini sausages, and a glass of fruit juice!

Mmmmm .... the kids didn't eat many of the sausages (phew!). If I could, I wouldn't cook the sausages for them ... too bad I ran out of Potstickers! I'm glad they asked for extra serving of the salad! Between the three of us, we finished off a bag of Romaine Lettuce!


  1. I like potatoes wedges, but I can't seem to get nice crisp ones from baking. I love Romaine lettuce, I can finish one bag on my own with some Ranch dressing. Whenever I visit the States, I will get them from Costco, it is so expensive in Singapore.

  2. Hi Happy Homebaker,

    I guess the trick to getting crisp wedges is not to put too much oil on the potato wedges, and that the heat in the oven must be high enough? I set my oven to 450F, and it took quite a while before they brown. The outside is crispy, and the inside is soft. I will definitely miss the fresh produce in States when I return to Singapore.
