Friday, January 8, 2010

What's for Snacks?

As Student of the Week, darling son YW is required to provide snacks for the class, from Tuesday to Friday. So, what's for snacks?

I baked a batch of Crunchy Oatmeal Cookies with M&Ms.
Mrs M said "The cookies are a hit with the kids!".
I'm happy to hear that. These cookies are really addictive! I saved some batter and mixed it with peanut butter chips ... Mmmmm .... No, these peanut butter chips cookies are not meant for the kids. No peanuts in class, allergy or not.

Having to do some grocery shopping, I had no time for other bakes. We settled for rice crackers, 雪饼, for Wednesday. The kids liked it too. These are my kids' favorite snacks too!

Yogurt Cake, an easy cake to bake. The top is crispy, and the cake is not overly sweet. I love it that it uses Olive Oil in place of butter. I feel less guilty eating it!

Last day of the week ... no time and energy to bake more ... Triangular Vegetable Crackers, it will be! We found these at the Asian Mart.
Our kids love it, and we hope the kids in the class like it too!

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