I have been admiring, from my kitchen window, these 'pink-top' trees growing in the little open grass area across my apartment. They stand out brightly and boldly, in the lushly green neighbourhood. I have wanted to go check out the trees each time I make my way to pick darling son up from school. Somehow, I never manage to make that 'detour'.

After dinner this evening, I brought dear hubby to the kitchen window and showed him the "pink-top" trees.
"Why not walk there to check it out now, since we finished dinner early!" said my hubby.
The boys were excited! They wanted to bike there instead of walking, even though it was just across the carpark. Ok, they cycled, we walked.

And guess what they found when we reached the tree?
A toy sports car!
The "pink-top" tree is pink, as it has many pretty, fragrant pink flowers!
While hubby and I admired the flowers, the two boys were busy 'driving' the sports car!
We could hear the buzzing of many bees when we stood under the tree.
The bees were huge! We stayed for a short while only, as it was getting colder. The many busy bees seemed to be telling us "go home" with their loud humming.
I enjoyed the walk, and I enjoyed looking at the flowers with hubby dear. The boys enjoyed their rides, as well as their discovery - the toy sports car! They couldn't get enough of it, and the next day after school, they requested going for a sports-car ride!