I jumped off my bed and dashed
to the toilet.
Then to the kitchen.
The pots clattered.
The kettle whistled.
The microwave beeped.
I am excited ... it is the first day of school for darling son.
Oh, first day of school for my old man too.
I am nervous.
Worried for darling son? No.
Darling son is an independent boy.
I am nervous because I have to prepare lunch.
Yes, packed lunch!
Just the day before, I was frantically hunting for 'Lock & Lock' boxes.
Darling son has only thirty minutes for lunch.
I have always admired those beautiful photographs of bento lunches.
And I have always wonder how much time is spent on putting the food together nicely.
The end product looks like a piece of art.
Given the time I have in the morning, it is impossible to turn the lunch box into a piece of art.
It would be good if I can put together some food which the men would enjoy eating.
I am not against using leftover food from dinner for the next day's lunch box. It saves time, and allows you to sleep for another fifteen minutes or so.
But I like my food fresh.
Hence, the cooking early in the morning.
To be deprived of fifteen minutes of beauty sleep in the morning is not a big issue to me, as long my little man and old man enjoy their packed lunch!
My next mission?
To purchase those thermal food jars so that the men can have their lunch served warm. Especially in winter.
Here's the recipe for the teriyaki chicken:
270g Chicken Thighs
3 tbsp Sake (I don't have this so I omit this)
2 tbsp Mirin
3 tbsp Raw Cane Sugar or Honey (I used Honey)
3 tbsp Soy Sauce
- Cut chicken thighs into bite size pieces.
- Marinade the chicken pieces in the above ingredients.
- Leave for a minimum of 10 minutes or overnight.
- Heat up a non-stick fry pan.
- If frying without the skin : 2 tbsp oil. I used 1 tbsp of butter.
- If frying with the skin : No need oil in pan.
- Drain chicken pieces out of marinade. Put in pan, skin side down.
- Once splutter, cove pan and reduce heat to medium.
- Leave 4 minutes.
- Take lid off, spoon a little of leftover marinade over chicken.
- Turn chicken pieces over. There is no need to put lid back.
- Cook another 2-3 minutes.
- Chicken should be nicely caramelized on outside once done.
- Let cool before packing or freezing.
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